Training on telling the story of how your work is making positive change in the world
Do you want to build your skills in telling the story of how your work is making positive change in the world?
Does your organisation need to share its narrative more compellingly?
How can you tell your story in a way that will inspire others to be part of it?
I run regular webinars, face-to-face training and one-to-one support for organisations wanting to build their staff's skills in telling the story of the work they do.
The support is for anyone writing for social media, newsletters, case studies, TED talks or other presentations. It particularly uses research (from DFID, UCL, Oxfam, Comic Relief and others) on how to share stories in ways that leverage support - whether practical or financial.
My support uses my experience in writing for BBC Radio 4, for newspapers and online media and running charity fundraising campaigns.
My webinars are free, with the option of paid one-to-one follow-up afterwards. I also run face-to-face training in the UK and the Balkans for teams or for individuals.
Get in touch if you'd like recordings of previous webinars on these subjects or are interested in training for you or others in your organisation on these or related themes.
Previous webinars have focused on:
'The story of thankyou: how to use thankyous to donors as opportunities to tell your story'
'Sharing powerful stories of your vulnerability'
'How can volunteers tell your organisation's story?'
'Asking the right questions: what to ask in interviews with the people whose stories you're telling'
'From tongue-tied to telling your story: tips for public speaking'
'Getting stories from the ground - when you're not on the ground'
'Storyhacks - ways to structure the story of your work'
'How to make a silk purse' - or 'When your job is to edit other people's stories of your organisation's work'
'Very short stories: how to share your organisation's work when space is limited'
'Wonderful session'
'Enriching and stimulating'
'Inspiring and helpful'
'New and useful'
'Nice and accessible'
'Very interactive'
"Practical advice based not only on experience but also on research'
'I highly appreciated the friendly and warm way you delivered your messages'
'What was the best thing about the webinar? The examples you gave that helped to show how to tell an engaging story'
Feedback from previous training/ webinar/ mentoring session participants
in Albania, Nigeria, Kenya, Korea, Greece and the UK